Wednesday 15 August 2007

No progress

Little time, I always seem to be in a rush.

I have been reading "No Logo" by Naomi Klein, which is passable but not that good. Too much optimism, too little journalism. She's right about one thing, though, feminism distracts from proper activism, or as she calls feminism and its satellites in the movements for lesbian media attention and so on, "identity politics". She's far too feminist, but it's always good to see someone realise that feminism is the enemy and a distraction at best from what's really important. She'd have a fit of the screaming abdabs to think such a thing, no doubt, but she has at least noticed that feminism facillitated the rse of corporatism. Of course, she thinks this was coincidence. The CIA sponsored feminist movement just happened to play the most important role in aiding the rise of the corporatocracy, if that's not a coincidence I don't know what is. A coincidence and a half, is that.

It's Private Eye day again. I haven't finished it yet of course, but I notice the phrase "Johann Hari is a big daft cock". Well, that's what I've been trying to tell you. I see from Google that he's Amnesty International's journalist of the year. I've never been fond of Amnesty international. I don't sully my mind with the unpleasantness of reading his newspaper anymore, I wouldn't wrap my chips in it (that, after all, would be against EU law), but I remember what he's like. Unfriendly to facts, big on insults. Bitchy, in fact. Looks like a woman, too, albeit an incredibly ugly one. Very soft featured. Soft featured but hard hearted, having got involved in a legal tussle on the internet because someone had the affrontery to suggest that he made up a lie he told. The truth is he's told lots of lies, made up lots of things and is an alround scum bag. I once wrote a letter to the Indy refuting one of his articles, but it was never published. They aren't as open to criticism as Fortean Times.

One of his lies was over Kenneth Joseph, a lie which he picked up from the Moonies (who RI readers will be wary of) to support his beloved imperial adventure in Iraq. He used to work for Geoffrey Archer, too. I don't suppose he'll have the guts to sue Private Eye, they have a reputation for fight back and he has a reputation as a big girl's blouse.

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