Tuesday 28 August 2007

Day following Bank Holiday...

Nice Bank Holiday yesterday, perfectly servicable, reading about the machination of the Secret State against Harold Wilson.Back to work today. Carrying stuff all morning, being annoyed by some little toy which talks whenever it hears a noise in the afternoon.

As it's the day immediately following a bank holiday I'm too busy to do any more.

Here's a link to be going on with.

1 comment:

little dynamo said...

junior unloaded his own coke at the airport?!

lol not much Plausible Deniability in that

the 'Civil Air Patrol' in america's fifties and sixties -- now *there's* a real lead (i've yet to encounter a unit that wasn't involved covertly of course with 'boylove' -- i was, let's see, mebbe thirteen when recruited)

the spookies almost certainly had their hand in some CAP stuff, particularly during the heavy anticommie years

ultra ultra ultra!!


good luck with that stoopid noisemaker, steve.... i'm sure you can handle it