Friday 25 January 2008

Michael Palingenesis - Monty Pythoness

Prevost, prevorst, provost. A window name, although not one Keel spotted.

Padilla has been sentenced.If Padilla's still around. His mind was destroyed, according to a news stroy I read several months ago. A useful test subject, now they've just got to hide him away. Fifteen years should do it, but don't expect him to get out then. He'll be Pablo Gonzales, working on a grape farm in California and not speaking a word of English. No-one will remember him and I'm sure there'll be a story available for those who ask, but he isn't there now and he won't be there then. Someone else will be given the body and he'll be monitored to see how it goes. Might come out eventually. This stuff has been going on for a bit now, but it'll be a while until it becomes overt public knowledge. Secret, then known, then accepted.

"All hen houses will from this day forward be guarded by foxes."

“So we must deny with our mouths what we are doing with our hands"
-- Arnold Toynbee - address to the Institute of Pacific Relations 1933

Patterned out, white trauma. Whited out, patterned trauma. Something along those lines.

I heard it in a dream. I don't often remember my dreams, but this one I made an exception for. Not that I can remember much. It woke me up, I wrote that down. Someone claiming to be a victim of the old trauma based mind control said it. People are made to be ignorant. The evidence is there. Perhaps only subjectively for sometings, but it's a question a digging. Can't take people straight to the bottom, you only understand what's there if you've seen what's above. Anti-democratic Contra wars at top, then Iran/Contra, then the Contra drug dealing, then the Finders, then further.

Don't know what that in my dream means.

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