Monday 7 January 2008


Marion Berry, a case of a sting op gone right.

"Sin City", the film. "The life of an old man for that of a young woman. A fair trade.", or words to that effect. That yellow fellah reminds me of the Mystery Man from Lost Highway.

Satanic Verses - the goddess advocacy of Big Mo.

I have been summonsed to appear before the court for non-payment of council tax, which I'm not supposed to pay.

Women who rape.

St Katherine's monastery dominated this area, before 1066, after that Kat gave way to Mary Magdalene and her massive church. Katherine still has a sacred well, in an obsurce area of town for those who know the story. It sprang from the blood of two knights fighting over her, although she was too chaste to be worth it. I believe it's in someone's garden now.

L Ron, Elrond as I always think of him, has an army of clone babies. Him and his Cruise baby:

Alien ship with Daniel Fry aboard - the caduceus in the fabric of the upholstery. A universal symbol says Alan the Alien.

two-on-a-horse Templar Types -- ray

Two little boys had two little toys, each had a wooden horse...

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