
As we trace the tentacles from the mangled corpse of LeTellier, we see feminism linked in with the internation post-war fascist/terrorist/cocaine nexus. From the bloated bellies of starving Africans they lead elsewhere, but always through feminism. From the modern feminist movement there's another link, ramrod straight, to the works of the madmen von List and Liebenfels, in the idea that spirals on mediterranean boats are the eye of the all seeing goddess, in the book "Martian Genesis", in the beliefs in a prehistoric Utopia of psychic supermen(women) brought down by interbreeding with beastly lower castes. The Kurgan invasion for the Jewish untermenschen. The digs in the same places, the same sites.
Most notably through one woman, Gimbutas. Her youth has corrupted the world. Let's trace it, and where it leads.
There are two versions, of course. The official line, favoured by herself, her feminist cohorts and the establishment, and the truth. As usual, it's a matter of emphasis as much as fact. She claims, for example, to have joined the Lithuanian underground resistance. Probably true. The resistance, to the Soviets, that is, was formed from Nazis and the former local SS branch, as in all eastern Europe, see "MI6", by Stephen Dorrill, amongst others.
I could go on all day about the activities of fugitive White Russians and other eastern fascists after their eviction by Red forces, from the Zinoviev letter to Stefano delle Chiaie and the involvement of the ethnic wing of the Republican party in the 1990 US election. But I won't. Suffice it to say that they were a nasty bunch of genocidal maniacs and that the Lithuanians were particularly murderous, putting up a years long fight against the Soviet reconquista with American support before finally adopting the usual exile.
The Nazis had a long interest in the area, despite its history as a part of the Balt ethnosphere, therefore lacking Aryan connections, they saw it as part of their pre-historic Aryan empire, occupied by their psychic five-eyed forebears, before they were dragged down by their interbreeding with the love-pygmies and sodom-apelings. The Ahnenerbe conducted many digs there, none of them with any real scientific rigour. They found what they wanted to find.
When the Nazi panzers roled towards Leningrad they took control of the area and could do dedicate themselves to the hunt. They were looking for the Aryan supermen of yore and their advanced culture, always an SS obsession. The Aryan superman was really meant to be a superman, to be bred back to its original state of autochthonic and godlike perfection. It was in this tradition that Gimbutas was trained. She went to Germany to study in 1942, she wasn't struggling through marshes fighting oppressors with her baby on her back, as some have tried to make out. She was studying Nazi orthodoxy. After the war she joined the other eastern European SS men in exile in the USA, meaning she almost certainly had contact with the CIA, directly or indirectly, in her needs for asylum. After that she was looked after, given positions her Nazi leanings qualified her for in academia.
She used her new position, along with the new Nazi/CIA puppet movement of feminism to push the old beliefs on new people, with a new twist of course. Now the master race were not the no-longer-fashionable Aryan supermen of old, but feminists. They were brought down by invading "Kurgans", not the interbreeding of the racially inferior (although it was interbreeding with the Kurgans, so the theme continues).
The psychic powers of the matriarchs of old are down-played these days, theosophy is long gone into the past and the five-eyed-ness is less beguiling, but the fringes of the rad fems still believe it and the goddess worshipping ideas have taken its place. Now it's "I survived five thousand years of patriarchy" and so forth. Finding symbols of long hidden underground goddess worship in the medieval witchcraft trials, in the Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti's strange subterranean architecture and in the fake history of the self-proclaimed Old Religion of Wicca, as von Liebenfels saw symbols of runes in the woodwork of medieval cottages. The Old Religion isn't very old. Even the genuinely Old Ways weren't as old as our own path. The Great Old Ones aren't so great, nor so old, nor so one as they would have us believe.
It's designed to re-ignite the left hand path and subjugate the ego. The left hand path, the god(dess) within. The right hand path the god without. The women dancing naked on pews, painting red dots on their foreheads and singing about sofia; milk and honey. Eisler on the go. As in Twist of Faith, the web-book about this subject. , that is, which doesn't come at the top of the google search. There's a film above it, of the same name. More keyword hijacking, perhaps. That's one conspiracy theory I didn't think I'd come to adopt.
Riane Eisler and company are the next generation. Savitri Devi was a neo-Nazi who pursued the same lines, feminist and prehistoric, as the mainstream feminist movement. There are plenty of links between Catholicism and Nazism, of course, beyond Stepinac, the forced conversions and the post-war ratline. Well, there we have a line going far further back in time. Two Babylons, for the feminists are right in seeing a goddess worshipping pagan cult in the past, but wrong in seeing it as witches lurking in woods. It was popes in Rome that were behind it.
Branton, in the Mojave Files (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality), Page Two says:
These took place during the Dark and Middle Ages of so-called 'holy' Roman Empire rule which 'began' when the last of the Emperors or 'Pontifex Maximus' of the Roman Empire, CONSTANTINE, declared himself to be the FIRST official Roman 'Pontiff' or 'Pope'. Constantine payed lipservice to 'Christianity' yet secretly held to the ancient Babylonean Mystery Religion of which he himself was High Priest or Pontifex Maxiumus, one in a long line of many which can be traced back to Nimrod, the first King of Babylon, himself. (This statement may raise anger in some who religiously defend man-made 'traditions', however history is history and facts are facts).
And in Page Seven:
F. W. Holiday, in his book 'THE DRAGON AND THE DISK' (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. 1973) relates some unusual facts concerning the relationship between serpent or 'dragon' legends and the modern 'UFO' phenomena:"...Satanism -- that is to say the religion of the dragon... seems to have been contemporaneous in BABYLON and Bronze Age Britain. In both countries it was probably practiced by minority groups and became official only in times of decadence.
"When Cryus occupied Ur...a form of dragon-worship seems to have been in vogue. The priests of this cult escaped the Persians by fleeing north with their PONTIFF (or 'PONTIFEX MAXIMUS', a position which has allegedly been secretly held in an unbroken chain from Babylon up to modern times - Branton) into the mountains of Asia Minor. They finally came to rest at a place called Pergamos in Lydia (western Turkey) and there set up a religious centre which became known as 'Satan's seat'. St. John said: 'And to the angel of the church of Pergamos, write: These things saith He [God] which hath the sharp sword with two edges [judgment and mercy]: I know they works, and where thou dwellest, EVEN where Satan's seat is...'
"The ROMANS also knew about Satan's seat AND ANNEXED IT INTO THEIR EMPIRE IN 133 B.C., after the death of Attalus III, the last of the Pergamite kings. About this period A PLAGUE BROKE OUT IN ROME and prayers were offered to the Roman 'gods' in vain. It was decided, therefore, to appeal to Satan at Pergamos.
"The symbol of the cult was A SERPENT and a special ship was sent to Lydia TO TRANSPORT THE GOD TO ROME. (Most likely a depiction or "idol" representation of the "god", in that idols among early pagans were indistinguishable from the so-called "gods" themselves - Branton) There it was installed as a deity with great pomp. The disease had probably run its course and the resulting improvement in public health was attributed to Satan. The new religion was so popular that snakes of inoffensive species were allowed to glide around at parties -- at least so Seneca says. In HISTORIA AUGUSTA they are called DRACUNCULI or little dragons.
"The Aesculapian Serpent -- as the 'god' was called -- is shown on a carving at Pompeii and is unlike anything known to herpetologists. It had vertical humps and snail-like horns, exactly like the monsters (sea serpents - Branton) of Scotland and Ireland. A bronze Urarian cauldron in Rome carries the erect head and neck of the creature modeled in the round. It is hideous. It has a shovel-like mouth, bulging eyes and tentacles or sensory-organs hanging on each side of the face.
"No-one, of course, thought that snakes were dragons. The malignant Great Serpent of Babylonia was TYPHON or Teitan, Satan, the author of wickedness...
"Politicians, however, never look a gift-horse in the mouth as long as it produces results. After giving the Roman people carnage in the guise of circus entertainment, there was no reason for the EMPERORS to shrink from a little devil-worship. Even the national flag was given the treatment. Ammianus Marcellinus describes the standard 'PURPUREUM SIGNUM DRACONIS'. And when Julius Caesar appeared in full regalia as the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS he was dressed in reddish-purple robes the same as the Pergamite dragon-priests. The reader can trace the rest of the story in Gibbon's 'RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE'.
"DRAGON-WORSHIP PERSISTED LONG AFTER CHRISTIANITY (and also 'Catholicism?' - Branton) HAD BEEN PROCLAIMED. Tertullian complained: 'These heretics magnify the serpent to such a degree as to prefer him even to Christ himself; for he, they say, gave us the first knowledge of good and evil.'
See also the book "Europe's Full Circle".
And I think that brings us back to the Nazis. Our Gimbutas again. She trained under Ernst Kassener, a Nazi ideologue. That's who taught our hero of feminism her trade. The only difference is the identity of the good guys and the bad guys.
Gustaf Kossina and Ernst Kassener, there beliefs should have died with them, Nazi, feminist and all alike.
2 Timothy 3:
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
So, some hope for the future there, anyway. It's no coincidence that msot abductees are women.
Since the discovery of the 'Venus of Willendorf', as this little artwork came to be called, scores more goddess figurines have come to light. The wide geographical scope is one indication of the goddess religion. One goddess figurine, discovered before the Willendorf Venus, is seldom mentioned in the standard texts of archaeology. It came from a well boring at Nampa, Idaho, in 1889. It was no more than an inch and a half long, a female figure that '...would do credit to the classical centres of art' according to G.F. Wright. This figurine has been dated to the Plio-Pleistocene era, which makes it about 2 millions years old. Not even the Ancient Egyptians believed their civilisation reached back to that time. But it acccords quite neatly with the idea that the earliest of our civilisationswas a transplant from the planet mars and raises a fascinating field of speculations.
To date, many of those tempted to discuss the sex of the face on Mars, have concluded it is male. The 'platform' surrounding the face itself is often taken as a headdress, of even military helmet. The 'diadem' which emerges on computer enhancement is seen as an indication that this is the face of a king.
Yet such conclusions may be no more than the projection of a male-oriented culture. If the face is in fact female - and the 'helmet' actually a styling of hair - then it becomes possible that Earth's ancient goddess religionliterally came down from the heavens.
-- Martian Genesis, Chapter Nine, Section Three
Also [url=http://www.awakenedwoman.com/malta.htm]Mothers and Daughters in Malta[/url] (SMOM/Blackwater - also Branton's talk of the underground of the Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti, all things are connected).
Rockefeller financed the Nazis through I.G. Farben. He sponsored the American Eugenics Society that had close links to its Nazi counterpart.
Rockefeller financed Alfred Kinsey, the homosexual pederast whose "Kinsey Report" replaced married love with casual sex.
Rockefeller continues to finance "Women's Studies" which is a training ground for fascist zealots who spread their poison in society as "change agents." (See Daphne Patai, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies.)
The elite is promoting homosexuality to bring about a fascist New World Order. Homosexuality is a developmental disorder characterized by a failure to bond with a member of the opposite sex. Lesbianism (feminism) which coerces women to be like men (and vice-versa) makes it difficult to achieve such a bond. As a result, millions of men and women have been defrauded of happiness and suffer the same symptoms as homosexuals, i.e. arrested development, and obsession with sex. Easy to promote homosexuality. Bad town planning, crowding, heavy metal (lead, etc.) poisoning, all so it very well.
The same lines of the conspiracy go back and forth. The strings of the puppet, you might say.
But the Nazis didn't only come to the west after the war.
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