Wednesday, 26 September 2007


I'm no Project Censored, but there are some news stories I'd like to see given more attention.
1) Featureless Indy reporter Johann Hari, known for his feminism and neo-lib/neo-con views was coached by a spin doctor on the lies to tell about his trip to Iraq, to bring propaganda from his otherwise anti-war paper for the war.
2) bin Mahfouz, the Saudi involved in all sorts of chicanery from the Reagan/Iran nexus onwards in sueing all and sundry to stop information getting out about his funding of Islamic terror.
Billy Bragg was on the telly this morning. He was talking about the Tory who's defected to Labour (which says more about the treachery of Labour than of him). He worked as a shepherd, apprently. Bragg asked the interviewer where. "He's got a large estate." Bragg: "My dad used to drive one of those." I think Americans won't get that.
I had a dream. Can't rmember much about it. There was something to do with racism. It was presented in lecture format.

Legs forward symbolises obedience to the goddess, or so I hear.

Nice hat.

That is all.

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