Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Image conscious.

I've been posting a lot of pretty pictures. A picture speaks a thousand words, as they say. A thousand points of light. I've always been a great believer in the effects of small things on the human mind. Washing the graffiti away lowered New York crime levels. Placing covert diagrams around the shop allowed Derren Brown to divert people to special offers. No doubt the grammatically incorrect use of "she" as the gender neutral pronoun is engineered by the powers that be, the Establishment, the effect the image of men.

That's a big conspiracy, you might say. But Johann Hari doesn't need a conspiracy, he and the rest of the media just follow each other around. One of them does something, especially something as sriking as the misuse of grammar, and the rest follow. Mind you, Johann Hari is involved in a large conspiracy. He travelled to Iraq just before the invasion and told a bucketload of lies about it. He was, it turns out, part of a conspiracy to put pro-war view in the media. At least, so says Private Eye.

Anyway, more pretty pictures:

"He'll tell us what to do." -- Homer Simpson.

Not that pretty, are they?

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