Saturday, 29 December 2007

A Rigorous Look at Feminism

not too Rigorous when it comes to their pet biases, are they?

-- ray retardsman

It's an interesting board, rigorousintuition. I'll give them credit for not banning me yet, this is quite a bit longer than I lasted at the supposedly liberal Straight Dope Message Board. Still, I imagine I'll be out before too long, as Nemo and Doodad have been banned and Jeff is evidently on a bit of a roll of bannings. He requested that a thread be started about the CIA involvement in feminist, but I don't expect that to change things. Perhaps I'm just paranoid. Of course, it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you and the PC police are the leading enemies of free speech to this day. Just today the papers reported the banning of sexist jokes in prison. Of course, just because it's in the papers doesn't make it true. See Winterval.

"Our hypothesis is that worthy victims will be featured prominently and dramatically, that they will be humanized, and that their victimization will receive the detail and context in story construction that will generate reader interest and sympathetic emotions. In contrast, unworthy victims will merit only slight detail, minimal humanization, and little context that will excite and enrage."
—E. S. Herman and N. Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent:1

That, of course, was the reason for the founding of, because the anti-feminists were ejected from the newly moderated soc.women.

Now, feminism isn't just evil because it's backed by the CIA/Nazi/Thule/Condor network and the generational pederasts of the Seneca Falls Convention, but because of it's acts for which the members of the movement must take responsibility. They lend their support to the movement, they are the source of its legitimacy, they can't wash their hands of it. It's rank and file feminist who is disturbing. Sally Miller Gearhart writing her gendercidal book isn't that bad, that so many women bought it is.

In truth there are no heroes and no villains, we humans can only make an impact as movements and organisations. There are evil movement, if not villains, my feminist friends, so you can't pass the buck and deny reponsibility.

This is the reality, not just a conspiracy, but feminists allowing evil to be done in their names while denying responsibility.

Women prefer to use their "woman's way of knowing" about feminist and therefore divine that it only works for good, those of us with a firmer base in proper epistemology know better. That's what feminism's about, though, it's an internal movement with external effects. This was spotted by the author of "A Twist of Faith" and by the feminist Alice the Kurious on rigint, feminism is an internal movement to transform women and indeed humans generally. It's the left-hand path of self-worship and internal godhood.

The external phenomoenon, injustices and lies, are just the manifestations of this transformation and the means by which this transformation is brought about. Sheer Hite, say, with her claim that one in four college women is raped. It doesn't take much to disprove it, the knowledge that most of these "victims" didn't accept that they had been raped, the knowledge that she defined sex under the influence as neccesarily rape, and so forth. But there's no questioning and, as Goebbels knew, a lie repeated becomes an accepted truth.

It reminds me of the time Jon Ronson went to meet the official KKK, who had gone all PC and rebranded themselves. They'd banned the word "nigger", banned hatred of other races and adopted the theme of working for the white race so-called rather than against the other races. Most of the membership had gone off ot splinter groups who still hate niggers. The same claims are made by feminists, to only be pro-woman not anti-man but in a society dominated by women's interests this idea in untenable for to be pro-woman to the exclusion of others in this situation is TO BE anti-man. It's illogical, like the pathetic claims of the rump KKK, but it gets no rival claims from the Big Lie media.

For example, feminists still campaign for AA and so-called positive discrimination in education, despite existing disparities in favour of women. The assumption is always of a disadvantage for women, the reality usually the opposite.

Here's a list of discriminations against men. Here's another.

Feminism, in fact, is the leading enemy of both equality and democracy in the present day. Take women in parliament, for example. When the policy is to appoint women to safe seats they complain that they aren't trusted in competitions. When given other seats they're being set up for failure. When the Labour party introduced women's only shortlists they were challenged in European courts and defeated. The won the election adn changed the law to allow them. They're generally used to appoint leadership-friendly females who'll follow the party line instead of favoured local candidates. Democracy has occasionally bit back, as at Blaenau Gwent in 2005 when Peter Law ran as and Independant and overturned one of the biggest Labour majorities in the country. Generally, though, we who favour democracy haven't done well. The Tories are no better, they only disagree on method.

Child Support is a war on the poor, as Glenn Sacks has shown and the special pleading of the crime exceptum called rape and the laws that prosecute it is one of the great injustices of our time. Not only do rape shield laws deny the right to face an accuser while not protecting the accused but accusers are paid compensation just for making an allegation, paid by the government. Nifong was sensible, though not just, to prosecute. Could have been a vote winner. Next time choose white woman, black man, might get away with it then. People don't remember it now that Civil Rights is dead at the feet of feminism, it's life force drained away, but it was the accusations of rape by white women that led to the majority of lynchings in the American South.

Rebels have suffered. The likes of Farrell and Hoff-Summers ahve just been ignored, Pizzey need police protection when she visits her own country because she out their terrorist antics and Steinmetz was shot at by people who didn't like the results of her scientific studies.

DV shelters have also been know the be embezzled, according to the EJF book, a known source of CIA funds.

I've talked before about the presence of foreskins in anti-wrinkle creams and the trade in torture and severed body-parts circumcision generates in the US. No less serious, it is, than the ritual sacrifice of Ukrainian new-borns for the harvesting of their stem cells for use in Caribean cosmetic quackery.

As a socialist the history of feminism makes me sad. Like the Gaitskillite CIA takeover of the Labour party the left was destroyed from within by the enemies of the working class, not new enemies but the same ones as ever. The Dulles brothers were just as evil when working for the CIA as when for the Nazis as when for the United Fruit Company. And the nazis were as evil running coke for the CIA as when they were killing Jews for Hitler. And the Thule society never ended, despite the prohibition on occult organisations under the Nazis Barbie and the Condor network (a post-war Condor Legion) were still following the old ways...

I say this: women are not little angels but are humans and a frail and faulty like the rest. It only takes a small act of will, the popping on of Roddy Piper's shades, and you know the truth.

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