Thursday 20 December 2007

Class is a nation

It's the ruling class that wage the class war, although they're always happy to shift the blame to those who don't succumb quietly enough.

I'm not a big fan of the European Union, I agree with Tony Benn that it's a force opposing democracy, too big to be accountable and too comfortably in bed with the corporate elites.

It's given me another reason to oppose it, the treaty of Prum. This is a law related treaty, policing and so on, very much part of the global war on terror. It allows snatch squads of armed thugs from one European country to storm over the border and nab someone from neighbouring territory then drag them off to foreign legal processes. I don't want to be dragged off to a Dtuch court, which don't have juries, or to who knows what barbarities in some Bulgarian hell hole. It's bad enough when they ignore the law and kidnap people off the streets, changing the law to legitimise their activities is worse. Should keep the Americans happy, we can send for people from abroad and the Americans can use our extradition treaty to take them off to who knows where. Watch out Roman Polanski.

It all reminds me of Operation Condor, the international gang of terrorists and death squads that operated, and presumably still operates, throughout Latin America as a link between various gangs of Tyrants, unreconstructed Nazis and Gloria Steinem. They would send hitmen from one country to its neighbours to do their dirty work for them, so the "nationalists" running Uruguay could recruit the Chilean government to deal with their dissidents and the Chileans could get the FBI to deal with Orlando Letelier. And they could put Steinem's fuckbuddy on the job.

So much for nationalism and soveriegnty. Elites will always favour fellow elites over fellowcountrymen. It's nothing new, of course, it's the same old Gladio system in operation, trans-European terrorist gangs with their lists of people who need offing in the event of some ill-defined emergency.

I'm normally fond of the BBC, despite Panorama's recent fall from grace, but it has to be outed here. They, through the World Service, initiated the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran and a coup in Italy. They're also know to have doctored footage of Orgreave and the Christmas Tree files show that they hire on the basis of ideological conformity. Also that they're not just ignorant, but wilful disinformation artists.

More next time.

powell contiunity of power

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Stephen.

I don't know if things are going to get better or worse next year but the main thing is to fight for what you think is right.