Tuesday 11 March 2008

In spite of all temptations...

...to belong to other nations, he remains an Englishman.

Many a true word spoken in jest. Gilbert himself, who wrote those words, was born a foreigner and chose to be an Englishman. If I could be bothered I'd go into Sir Aurel Stein and the True Born Englishman, too.

The point being that it's not traditional for an Englishman to get nationalistic. These flag waving foreigners with their national holidays and waving of flags and so on, especially America, are rightly laughed at.

So, I'm not best pleased. The former Attorney General, who wrote two opinions on the legality of war in Iraq and said to Blair "pick one", has suggested it. The BBC has supported it, although Wogan was wise enough and old enough to stand against.

Ah, what is "it".

Well. The old AG decided all people leaving school ought to have to take oaths to Brenda and perform what was referred to as a citizenship ceremony involving a pledge of allegiance. Twats. All obsessed with being like America these New Labourites.

I was in a shop when I heard this one the radio and a customer said to another that it was "a load of rubbish", as to the royal family we should "get rid of 'em" as "they're German anyway". Filled me with hope. Brought a smile to my face. I like to hope this plan won't go anywhere.


little dynamo said...

well-done! on your correspondence with Her Majesty

thx for the link but it's broky -- it's littledynamo, not little-dynamo with a dash

cheers! and do keep us apprised of regal relations

little dynamo (yes, of littledynamo.blogspot.com)

Stephen Morgan said...

fixed it