Wednesday 13 February 2008

Those posts in full...


Around 4000 BCE, with the rise of urban civilization in the Near East, some members of the Magian order chose to apply certain secrets of initiation to statecraft and social engineering. They became the advisors to the first theocrats of the patriarchal nation-states, but in fact the advisors were running the show.

Funnily enough that's exactly the system Weishaupt was advocating in the papers of his published by Robison, albeit in a wider, eighteenth century, sort of way incorporating control og publishing and such things in the interest of total control. But of course, the Derren Browns of this world, who make the man himself look like a man pulling a pigeon out of a hat, are in control. Advertisers aren't the only ones using applied psychology. I don't, however, believe in a malevolent alien consciousness, however you want to define alien, using the normal people of the earth. Only those who lay themselves open are vulnerable.

It's the illuminati, or those who believe themselves to be illuminated, who are in danger of being co-opted.

Their subjects were systematically programmed to believe they were descended from the gods. The Illuminati inaugurated elaborate rites of empowerment, or kingship rituals. These rituals were in fact methods of mind control exercised on the general populace through the collective symbology and mystique of royal authority.

Makes me think of George Bush being chauffered to his inaugration, being pelted with eggs and rotten fruit by the soon-to-be terrorists who thought his usurpation wasn't entirely democratic. But I suppose even carefully planned psychological illusions can't always work.

Kingship rituals were distinct from the rites of initiation that led to instruction by the Light and consecration to the Great Goddess. Their purpose was not education and enlightenment, but social management.

True, but you're better off being socially managed than you are being initiated into the enlightened and consecrated to the Great Goddess. If it was open for business I'd direct you to and I will refer to , bother have them have much the same thesis, the return of ancient goddess worshippers in the guise of our modern ruling class. That's the irony of the situation, those who fuck little girls up the arse to access magical powers and gain mastery over their fellow men end up losing even mastery of themselves to their unclean owl gods.

Gnostics refrained from assuming any role in politics because their intention was not to change society but to produce skilled, well-balanced, enlightened individuals who would create a society good enough that it did not need to be run by external management....

Implying the need for the current world to be run by a secretive and murderous cabal. Sorry, "if people were only like I want them to be I wouldn't have to manipulate them so much" doesn't win any time from me.

The Illuminati program was (and still is) essential to patriarchy and its cover, perpetrator religion. While it cannot exactly be said that the deviant adepts known as Illuminati created patriarchy, they certainly controlled it. And still do.

Patriarchy only exists in cloud cuckoo land. It's merely a buzzword for gnostics* and other PC pseudo-mystics to use to gain brain-washed and befuddled followers. We live in a matriarchy, under the influence of the aforementioned Great Goddess and her organs in the "illuminati", the least illuminated group in the community, the victims of Keel's false illumination who chose the wrong side in the war between good and evil submerged their ego-consciousness to become conduits into this world for evil from the other.

*I say gnostics, of course Gnostics didn't exist that long ago anymore than Zoroastrian Magi existed 3,000 years BC.

The abuse of initiatory knowledge to induce schizophrenic states ("entrainment"), manipulate multiple personalities in the same person ("platforming"), and command behaviour through posthypnotic suggestion (the "Manchurian candidate" technique) continues to this day, with truly evil consequences for the entire world.

This being the work of "deviant" adepts, yes? The "abuse" of iniatory knowledge? So where are all thse straight adepts? Doing manipulative things behind the scenes. Not like thos eawful illuminati, I'm sure. Must be well-intentioned. If there's one thing I've learned it's that people doing mysterious things in a secretive manner is never evne slightly sinister. End _of_.

If we accept that the Mysteries were schools for Gaian coevolution dedicated to the goddess Sophia,

I take it that we do accept that, do we?

they could not have been run by the Illuminati, as some contemporary writers (who believe they are exposing the Illuminati) have supposed. Everything the Gnostics did in the schools was intended to counterbalance and correct the machinations of the deviant adepts. Initiation involved melting the ego boundaries in preparation for deep rapport with nature, not lowering of ego consciousness so that the subject could be "sectioned" and behaviorally programmed using the power of suggestion, imprinting, and other psychodramatic methods. These behavioral modification tools of the Illuminati were strictly forbidden in the Mysteries overseen by Gnostics.

I thought the Gnostics were trying to alter peoples behaviour, make them "better", more fitting to create a proper society. Is overcoming hope about? Maybe he can talk you out of your misguided belief in benevolent elites who only wish to help and rescue us.

It's the illuminated ones who are in trouble. People going along themselves might be blind, but people illuminated by an outside force are laying themselves open to being hijacked for the forces of evil.


teamdaemon: I am afraid you are terribly confused. The ruling elite are not matrist. They do not worship a goddess. The feminine element of Christianity has been the target of persecution and extermination for 2000 years.

You tell me that I'm confused
Well I tell you that we're all used
-- "I have no Answers", the Levellers

Used as a food source in the case of poor earth-bound humanity.

If you are really that worried about being possessed by evil spirits then find a native-born guide to help you through the experience.

Being native born myself (in Nottingham as it happens), I think I qualify. If that's not mystical enough for you I'm half-Welsh too. Beat that, boyo.

But if I was to suppress my ego then being overtaken by someoneelse's would be the only possible outcome.

That's what the Mothman Prophecies posits, that it's all hallucinatory, the odd experiences only happen to keep the minds of the percipients busy while their bodies are elsewhere doing other things. That, however, is only a temporary displacement of the ego, the goal of illumination is total suppression and therefore mindslavery.

Jeff: For one thing, Gnostics taught that these entities envy us and feed on our fear.

I'm normally inclined to dismiss the ravings of self-obsessed Gnostics out of hand, but this much is right. The fear of the unilluminated, the adoration of the others.

rothbardian: Proposing a philosophy of elitist control?? Come on. What in the world are some of you folks thinking about??

My thoughts exactly. I don't doubt the abilities of our overlords. I merely doubt their good intent. No system that demands my mental suicide is ever going to gain my willing acceptance.

"They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders. They have recruited the rich and the powerful and they have blinded us to the Truth, .. Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners! Our owners! They have us. They control us! They are our masters! Wake up! They're all about you! All around you! "

I love that film.

That's what's going on. There's no binary ruling elite, with a secretive group of sociological priests in combat behind the scenes with a gang of initiatory adepts who only want... what is it exactly that these nice illuminists are meant to be after? Not revealing the truth, or why the secrecy?

nemo: Funny how these losers will sell you this "Super-Galactic_Cosmic-Oneness" pipe dream of enlightenement, yet, for 4,000 years haven't beeen able to produce ONE "enlightened" individual

Reminds me of the part of Bare Faced Messiah, the book about Hubbard, where he brings out his first Dianetic "clear", and the crowd are expecting a psychic, spychokinetic superman free of all impediments. It was just the man behind the curtain. He wasn't impressive.

teamdaemon: They are hiding from the war on drugs. Use your imagination.

I wouldn't need to use my imagination if there was a gang of benevolent adepts working for the betterment of the minds of men.

I guess some people just love being miserable.

I suppose that's why they turn to mystical illumination in stead of activism. Change nothing, merely adapt to your slavery.

8bitagent: The globalist elite LOVE Goddess worship

Have I split the gimbutasites from the Fairhallites?

We know the illuminati controlled Nazis were OBSESSED with Tibet

There was an article in the last Nexus about the evil of the "Dalai Lama", if you're interested. Of course he's a CIA puppet (not Parenti) and his followers with those of Chiang Kai Shek started the Burmese drug trade/CIA link.

Don't think either that searching for illumination within yourself doesn't open you up to outside forces. Yeah, the iniates just want to free you from priestly domination! Just follow this ritual exactly, take this pill and pass on the chain letter and it'll all be fine. There's a reason the left hand pass is "the god within".

Enough for now.

I'll add in another post.

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