Thursday 7 February 2008

Sympathy for the Devil

I mean that coke addled madman George Bush.

I have betrayed my country to save my family. If I died today Satan would reject me. I am forever cursed. All that remains is the knowledge that my girls will survive. Nothing else matters. My tears are more than all the rain that will soon fall. Holy Mother of God forgive me for what I have done.

Maybe he never said that. It comes from here, incidentally. Apparently he does a lot of crying. And sees dead people. Ghosts rather than zombies or revenants. A revenant is the reanimated dead, usually seen combating evildoers robbing his grave, a zombie is a person brought back from an induced coma as an ego-less mind slave. A ghost is a non-corporeal entity often seen flitting through the walls of White House bedrooms. thought I should clear that up.

It often seems unlikely that he has a conscience to torture him, but I wonder how onside he really is. Remember "Angel is Next"? Someone keeping him scared and out of the way, mayhap. Get him cowering under the chair, he's a draft dodger who'd rather be up on coke than being a heroic war leader. All that morning of 9/11 strange things had been happening to him. Some Arabs came and tried to interview him, supposedly. Two days earlier the Lion of the Panjshir fell for that one. I'm sure it's nothing suspicious. After all the 9/11 Commission report told us all that had happened, didn't it? How could members of Bush's entourage bent on his subordination manipulate mad Arabs? It's not like they were created by Empire, later propped up by the CIA. Not like Atta was getting flight lessons, whores and own-brand dope from anyone like that.

Bush is an evil man, make no mistake. He purportedly skinned people alive in his Brownsville satan cult. I suppose the lizard self took him over then. The Bible doesn't only say that a house divided against itself cannot stand but that a man who is of two minds can't be saved. Or at least hasn't been saved yet. Alcohol is a tool known to be used to keep out the voices. I wonder is Bush was hearing them, not only telling him to do things but making him do things. Reaching down from the great serpent spirit octopus in the sky.

Very few others end up being reformed. They stay evil to the end. Olsen sacrificed his wife on that there flight. Blood cement is the most powerful cement of all. But there are ties that bind tighter still.

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