Friday 8 February 2008

Drunk Thief: 'I was a prat'

I've taken to using things I see written around as titles, so ignore that.

The DVLA who deal with road tax have a new advert. They try to intimidate people by claiming to have more inspectors than ever before. Funny, because the last advert claimed they had it all on computer and therefore it was futile to attempt resistance. Must've broken down. Got Capita to do it, EDS maybe, all went horribly wrong. Quick, get those inspectors back in.

The football world has been turned on its head, as they say. Announcement made, the big teams to have extra matches which will be played in far off parts of the world. Money. Supposedly there's no interest in the English League in far off lands, which makes you wonder a) how playing games there will make money and b) who was shopping in all those Man United shops set up in the far east a few years back. As it will benefit the big five more than anyone else I'd like to think the other clubs will be against it, which would stop it as the opposition of most clubs has stopped individual bargaining for TV rights on the Italian model. Hopes rather scuppered by the Porn King who owns Birmingham.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has decided sharia law is just what Britain needs and has decided to lobby for it to replace the old common and civil law. Anyone who wishes to live under that bizarre and barbaric code can do so, they can leave the country or submit to the little sharia court in a terraced London house which was on the TV a few days ago. The only thing the Muslim madmen object to is the option to stay out of sharia law. People are currently free to choose the Sharia court, but it's judgements aren't legally enforceable and therefore it rightly has no power of coercion.

Ashes to Ashes, the sequel series to Life on Mars, has made its appearance on the BBC. It's not particularly interesting, of course, but there are interesting parts to it. Beyond the evil clown and the general occult symbolism of the sinking into the Otherworld and the willing choice of the Otherworld over this at the end of Life on Mars there is the tesselation of the ceiling and floor in the 80s era cop shop. Black and white squares like a chess board of the floor of a Masonic Temple, these featured very prominently in several shots, moreso than should be expected.

Claudette Souchon. Think I've got that name right, although the googlewhack says otherwise. Missing nine days, found in a near catatonic state with an exhausted do. Horses she rode off with found, one too terrified to move, one ripped to shred by forces unknown. What she saw unknown.

I only recently heard of "bebo". Not my sort of thing. No MyFace or Spacebook or anything for me. Even so I just came across this, which provokes a number of thoughts. Firstly, if she's a Forest fan why does she use the term "notts forest"? Every Forest fan I know of goes ape shit if you say notts forest. Perhaps it's the similarity to local "rivals", if that's the right term, Notts County. Must be Nottingham Forest or just Forest. And what on earth is mattress diving? Likes Disney films. CIA for kids, as they say. Studying drama. Tut tut.

Lost Highway. Odd film. Could be a hint of the tesselation in the changing hair colour of the female lead. Confusing film. My Brother Tom. Different film. Contact with ghost when breaking the liminal surface of a woodland pond. Burned a hedgehog, great pity. Funny enough also the changing hair colour of the female lead. And the pederasty, of course. Falling Down. Happier film. Robin Hood type figure arms himself from his fallen foes, causes mayhem, gets shot. Pity about the victory for the forces of order. The Bourne Identity, Greengrass the director, supposedly an anti-establishment film. He also made the hitpiece Flight 93, agitprop. Zelikow, a mole on the 9/11 Commission and the propagator of the Operation Northwoods documents, which favour plane swaps and other self-discrediting theories.

Can't trust anyone these days.