Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Words that deserve to be preserved - ray

WHY would they want to "fix" marriage, family law, or any other aspect of a gynogulag that

1) vastly enriches them
2) consolidates their power
3) destroyed the unions
4) keeps other men dispossessed, degraded, impoverished and hopeless

look, this aint particle physics: our elites award females almost total power over males

the vast majority of females are v easy to control -- give them money, toys, and power and they'll do anything

elites control females, females oppress males


meanwhile, the republican party stays safely out of the loop, claiming ignorance of all this bullshit, pretending it's those Evil Democrats who are at fault, and hinting . . . but only hinting, that they'll Set All To Rights if only we "elect" one more repub president, senator etc

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