Wednesday 9 July 2008

So much for the tule of law

I see a fault in New Zealand airport security. A letter in the Private Eye.

The writer had been boarding a plane and had seen a woman have her nail scissors confiscated. Once on the plane he smelt petrol and was alarmed. It's alright, though aeroplanes don't run on petrol. Reassured he got the staff to look for the source of the smell. It was a chain saw in the overhead box. Wasn't on the list of things to confiscate. Well done.

Also well done to the Dutch DWP which has decided unemployment isn't due to a lack of jobs, or a lack of training on the part of the jobless, but due to scientology-style past-life-trauma-caused mental defects. Reminds me, I saw "Dianetics" a bit ago. I threw it in the bin. Hence it will soon be the case that anyone declining past life regression will be denied their benefits. Well done Holland. Still not as bad as the Mossad voice-stress analysers.

Rational government in action, I suppose. The impartial technocracy wisely leading us on. Synarchy. The Samurai of HG Wells. The Brave New World. So forth. Rule, it's claimed, by the competent. The end of history. A historical inevitability.

Our disagreements having all been resolved by the passage of time and the advance of human knowledge. Of course it's not true. They are victorious, but this wasn't inevitable any more than Communism and the end of the bourgeous state was the inevitable end of Communism and industrial civilisation. The political state of the world is constantly a battle field and the result of previous battles. Those in power always want to make their power not only right but inevitable.

Fascism is corporatism, as Mussolini said.

The great battle of the twentieth century was between a left wing which believed in personal freedoms and redistributive spending and a right wing representing business and government power. I see the Communists of Stalin and friends as right wingers here. The nomenklatura were never interest in freedoms, the poor or democracy. As so often the forces of the right muscled their way over the left.

The Insurgent Army of the Ukraine, led by one Makhno but effectively an Anarchist organisation with elected leaders, wasn't wiped out by the Tsar's white but by the Communist Reds. Even after the Reds decided to blockade them so that they couldn't get any ammunition they defeated the Whites who were trying to cross their territory to Red controlled Moscow. But the Ukraines suffered the Reds to survive up in Moscow and they paid for it.

The fact is that their are always two paths, that of the common good and that of private gain. Left and right. Tax and spend and debt. The bottom of society is in favour of the common good as it's their good. The rich, the powerful and the violent are different.

The political parties have not taken us the the end of history or a synthesis of beliefs. This is no consummation of righteousness. They have conquered. The political parties no longer represent the poor on the one side the and rich on the other, even to the extent that they ever did. They now make up nothing less than a conspiracy against the people of Britain.

There can never be a rational government. All government is ideology. The ideology currently dominating is raw self interest. It's not rationality and it's not inevitability. It is self-interest and opinion, arrived at through the conquest by the right.

Vanguardism had long been the way. One gang leading the way to what they think to be right. In the past. No longer. Now one gang only, not one for each point of view but one for the only point of view and everyone else can vote for them or not vote for them, but can't hurt them either way.

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