Friday 7 March 2008

This never happened

A bit of a psy-op assault upon the local news here.

The news is telling me that the RAF commander local to Peterborough, anciently known as the Golden Borough and, unless my memory fails me, Medeshampstead, has ordered his RAF men not to wear uniform off base in case they're assaulted by protesters. There was a notable lack of any instances in which this has happened. People saying how terrible it is, hardly giving the impression of an old Saxon town taken over by violent pacifists. To look at the facts, this RAF man has given this order for no legitimate reason and it has been plastered all over the news blamed on the anti-war crowd.

Disinformation works thatly. Create outrage, blame it on your enemies.

The Prime Minister waded in. He would like our "servicemen to thank them for the work they've done". Doesn't quite parse, but literally he would like the soldiers to come and say thankyou to the anti-war protesters and the rest of us for our work. I don't expect any grateful soldiers soon. Work is perhaps only respectable if it sheds blood, like that of our brave boys in whatever-colour-it-is-they-were-for-camoflage-in-the-desert-and-the-Iraqi-urban-environment. Perhaps the soldiers really should be thanking the protesters, it was they who tried to stop the soldiers being sent to their deaths, after all.

Medals, too. A nice psy-op contrast. Story one: violent pacifists molesting our poor soldiers, calls for the police to use CCTV to track down the ne'erdowells, etc.; story two: Brenda (Queen) giving medals to local war heroes (cue officer claiming to have carried wounded man 800 yards *on foot*, emphasised a little bit too much).

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